About the Course
This course has been developed for the Private practitioners/Clinicians who are involved in treatment and care of people affected by TB. It contains 5 modules namely Basics of TB and National TB Elimination Program, Diagnosis of TB, TB Treatment, Public Health Actions in TB and Prevention of TB.This course has also been endorsed by Indian Medical Association (IMA).
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MO/PP: TB & TB Epidemiology
Tuberculosis [TB]
Burden of TB in India
Progression to TB Disease
TB Infection Vs Active TB Disease
Vulnerable Population for Tuberculosis
Chemotherapy and its implication in TB control
Global Burden of TB
Evolution of TB Elimination Programme in India
NTEP NSP targets
Organizational Structure of NTEP
Peripheral Health Institutions [PHI] and Health Facilities
Laboratory Hierarchy and Network
DR-TB Centres and Network
Stages in the life of a person with TB
100 Days Campaign- An Introduction
MO/PP: Information Systems in NTEP
Nikshay interfaces- Web and Mobile application
Overview of the Patient Management Workflow
User roles managing patient data in Nikshay
Introduction to TB Aarogya Sathi Application for Patients
MO/PP: Private Providers and NTEP
Standards of TB Care in India
Vision of NTEP related to Private Sector Engagement
Service Provisions under the NTEP for the Private Practitioners
Engagement Models for Private Healthcare Providers
Incentives for private health care providers
Financial incentives for Private Providers and Informants
Non-Financial Incentives for Private-health care providers
Patient Provider Support Agency [PPSA]: A Multipronged Approach to Engage the Private Sector
System for TB Elimination in Private Sector [STEPS]
Guidance Document on Partnerships RNTCP 2019
MO/PP: Ethics and Laws related with TB care and Prevention
Regulations or legal provisions related to NTEP
National Medical Commission: Code of Ethics
Mandatory Notification of TB Diagnosis
Gazette on Ban of Serological Tests for diagnosis of TB
Schedule H-1 Regulation
Mandatory Establishment of DR-TB Centres in All Medical Colleges
MO/PP: Screening and Testing for Pulmonary TB
Screening For Tuberculosis Disease
TB Screening Tools
Symptoms of TB Disease
Presumptive TB
Presumptive Pulmonary TB
Presumptive Paediatric TB
Presumptive EP-TB
Principles and Methods of Testing for TB diagnosis
Sputum Collection centres
Steps to Ensure a Good Quality Sputum Sample
Universal Drug-susceptibility Testing [UDST] for TB
Types of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis -DRTB
Classification of TB cases based on history of Previous TB treatment
Classification of TB on the basis of Type of Diagnosis
Classification of TB on the basis of Site of disease
Mo/PP: Diagnostic Technology
Microscopy in TB Diagnosis
Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test [CBNAAT]
TrueNAT MTB and RIF Assay
Line Probe Assay [LPA]
Solid and Liquid Culture in TB
Culture Drug Susceptibility Testing [CDST]
MO/PP: Diagnostic Algorithms in NTEP
Integrated DR-TB Algorithm
Diagnostic Algorithm for EPTB
Diagnostic Algorithm for Pediatric TB
How NTEP can support Private Practitioners/Hospitals in TB testing and diagnostic services
How NTEP can support Private Practitioners/Hospitals in TB testing and diagnostic services
MO/PP: Anti-TB Drug Formulations and regimens
Strategies for TB Treatment
Treatment Phases
TB Drug Regimen
First line anti TB drugs
Second Line anti TB drugs
Fixed Dose Combinations [FDC]s
Advantages of FDCs
FDCs used in NTEP
MO/PP: DS-TB Treatment and Care
Drug-Sensitive Tuberculosis [DS-TB]
Treatment Regimen for DSTB – Adult
Treatment Regimen for DSTB - Pediatrics
TB Treatment Initiation
Start Treatment for DSTB patient & DRTB patient
Follow-up of TB patient
Follow-up sputum examination
TB Treatment Outcome
Closing Cases and Assigning Treatment Outcomes
Long Term Post-treatment follow up of TB patients
Reinitiating case
MO/PP: Treatment Support
Treatment Support Mechanism
Treatment Support Plan
Treatment supporter [TS] to TB Patient
MO/PP: Adherence Management
TB Treatment Adherence
Importance of Treatment adherence
Directly Observed Treatment [DOT]
Digital Adherence Monitoring Technologies
Recording and Monitoring Adherence
Recording manual doses in Ni-kshay
Recording missed doses in Ni-kshay
Recording Adherence using TB Arogya Sathi Application
MO/PP: TB and Comorbidity
HIV testing of individuals with presumed or confirmed TB
Linkage to TB-HIV services in the private sector
Co-trimoxazole prophylactic therapy in persons with HIV and TB coinfection
Isoniazid Preventive Therapy [IPT] in People Living with HIV [PLHIV]
TB and Diabetes comorbidity
Diabetes among people with TB
Malnutrition among people with TB
Alcoholism among people with TB
Tobacco use among people with TB
Silicosis in people with TB
Cancer in People with TB
TB in Pregnant and Lactating Women
Adverse Drug Reactions [ADRs]
Types of ADR of TB Treatment
Management of Adverse Drug Reactions [ADRs] of TB Treatment
MO/PP: Overview of DR-TB treatment and care
DR-TB Centres and Network
Cascade of Care for DR-TB Patients in the Private Sector
DR-TB Treatment Regimens
ADRs to Second Line Treatment
Manage TB India Application
Pre-treatment Counselling
Pre treatment evaluation of DRTB cases
Interim Treatment Outcomes of DR-TB Cases
Final Treatment Outcomes of DR-TB Cases
Follow-up Monitoring of DR-TB Patients
Follow up sputum examination for DR-TB
MO/PP: Management of Isoniazid (H) Mono/Poly DR-TB
Regimen, Duration and Dosage for Isoniazid [H] Mono/Poly DR-TB Regimen
Isoniazid [H] Mono/Poly DR-TB Regimen: Pre-treatment Evaluation
Adverse Drug Events: H Mono/Poly DR-TB Regimen
Replacement Sequence in the H Mono/Poly DR-TB
How NTEP can support Private Practitioners/Hospitals in TB Treatment Services
How NTEP can support Private Practitioners/Hospitals in TB Treatment Services
MO/PP: Patient Support and Public Health Actions
Public Health Actions
PHA for patient notified from the private sector
Contact Tracing and Investigation
Counselling of TB Patients at Various Stages of Treatment
Do's and Don'ts for Patient Communication
Nutritional Counselling
Nutritional Support/ PMTBMBA
Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana [NPY]
Free Drugs and Free Treatment
Travel support for people with TB
Support for deaddiction
Patient Helpdesk
Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana [PM-JAY]
Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan [PMTBMBA]
MO/PP: TB Arogya Sathi Application
TB Aarogya Sathi
Searching Health Facilities In TB Arogya Sathi
View Adherence and DBT details in the TB Aarogya Sathi Application
View DBT Details
Adding bank details in the Arogya Sathi App
MO/PP: DBT and incentives in NTEP
DBT Schemes in NTEP
Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana [NPY]
Transport Support for TB Patients in Notified Tribal Areas
Financial incentives for Private Providers and Informants
Outcome Incentives and Report available to Private Provider
Registration of Private Providers and Processing Benefits
Scenarios where Private facilities will be getting benefits
Adding Beneficiary (Private Provider/HF) details in Ni-kshay
How NTEP can support Private Practitioners/Hospitals in Public Health Actions
How NTEP can support Private Practitioners/Hospitals in Public Health Actions
MO/PP: Infection prevention and Control
Standard Precautions for IPC
Hand Hygiene
Respiratory Hygiene
Airborne Infection Control [AIC]
Ventilation as an AIC Measure
Administrative measures for AIC at a Health Facility
MO/PP: TB preventive Therapy
Cascade of Care for TPT
Testing for TB Infection
Counselling for IGRA/TST
TB Preventive Therapy
Regimen for TPT
Contraindications of TPT
ADRs due to TPT
Counselling for TPT
Monitoring adherence to TPT
Treatment outcomes after TPT
Management of missed doses in TPT
How NTEP can support Private Practitioners/Hospitals in TB Prevention and care
How NTEP can support Private Practitioners/Hospitals in TB Prevention and care
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