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NTEP Courses by Central TB Division, MoHFW NTEP Courses by Central TB Division, MoHFW

Course for Medical Officers-PHI

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Course for Medical Officers-PHI

About the Course

Earn a career certificate

  • Pre- Assessment

    Pre - Assessment

  • Lesson 1- TB & TB Epidemiology


    Global Burden of TB

    Burden of TB in India

    TB Causative organism

    Mode of TB Transmission

    TB Infection

    Progression to TB Disease

    TB Infection Vs Active TB Disease

    Vulnerable Population for Tuberculosis

    Classification of TB on the basis of Site of disease

    Classification of TB on the basis of diagnosis

    Classification of TB cases based on history of Previous TB treatment

    Types of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis -DRTB

    Chemotherapy and its implication in TB control

    Reinitiating case

    Stages in the life of a person with TB

    Control, Elimination and Eradication

    TB Notification

    Long Term Post-treatment follow up of TB patients

  • Lesson 2- NTEP

    Evolution of TB Elimination Programme in India

    NTEP NSP targets

    Organizational Structure of NTEP

    District TB Centre [DTC]

    Tuberculosis Unit [TU]

    Peripheral Health Institutions [PHI] and Health Facilities

    DR-TB Centres and Network

    Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness Centres

    Standards of TB Care in India

    Responsibilities of a Medical Officer - PHI [MO-PHI]

    Role of Medical Officer at a Microscopy Centre in TB Diagnosis

  • Lesson 3- Information Systems in NTEP


    Nikshay interfaces- Web and Mobile application

    Overview of the Patient Management Workflow

    User roles managing patient data in Nikshay

    TB Aarogya Sathi Application

  • Lesson 4- General Concepts in TB Case Finding

    TB Case Finding

    Symptoms of TB Disease

    Screening For Tuberculosis Disease

    Presumptive TB

    Enrolling a patient in Nikshay

    Requesting a Test on Nikshay

    Diagnostic Algorithm for TB Disease in NTEP

    Approaches to TB Case Finding

    Bidirectional Screening Approach

    Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing [UDST]

  • Lesson 5- Diagnostic Technologies and Lab Network

    Principles and Methods of Testing for TB diagnosis

    Microscopy in TB Diagnosis

    Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test [CBNAAT]

    Truenat MTB and RIF Assay as a TB Diagnostic Test

    Line Probe Assay [LPA]

    Culture Drug Susceptibility Testing [CDST]

    Laboratory Hierarchy and Network

    Functions of a Designated Microscopy Centres [DMC]

    NAAT Labs and their role

    CDST labs and their role

    Sputum Collection centres

  • Lesson 6- Diagnostic Specimen

    Spot and early morning sputum sample

    Steps to Ensure a Good Quality Sputum Sample

    Educating patient on Sputum collection and dispensing Sputum cup

    Modes of Transportation in SCT

    Patient Turnaround Time from Identification to Treatment Initiation Relative to the Laboratory Technology Used in DR-TB

  • Lesson 7- Active Case Finding Campaign

    ACF campaign

    Mapping the population for ACF

    Microplanning and execution of ACF campaign

    Recording formats under ACF campaign

    Field Supervision of ACF campaign

    Reporting of ACF campaign

    Monitoring of ACF campaign

  • Lesson 8- General Concepts in TB Treatment

    Strategies for TB Treatment

    Pharmacological Basis of treatment

    Treatment Phases

    Fixed Dose Combinations [FDC]s

    FDCs used in NTEP

    First line anti TB drugs

    Second Line anti TB drugs

    TB Drug Regimen

    TB Treatment Initiation

    Pre-treatment Evaluation of TB patients

    Start Treatment for DSTB patient & DRTB patient

    Add and view prescription

    Adding and viewing Patient Notes

    Updating and Viewing patient Health Facility details

    Assigning Patients to ART and DRTB Centres

    Transferring a patient

    Transfer of TB Patient Ownership

  • Lesson 9- TB Treatment and Care

    Drug-Sensitive Tuberculosis(DS-TB)

    TB Treatment – Steps

    Treatment Regimen for DSTB – Adult

    Treatment Regimen for DSTB - Pediatrics

    Pre-treatment Counselling

    Pre treatment evaluation of DRTB cases

    Follow-up of TB patient

    Regimen, Duration and Dosage for Isoniazid [H] Mono/Poly DR-TB Regimen

    Isoniazid [H] Mono/Poly DR-TB Regimen: Pre-treatment Evaluation

    Follow up sputum examination for DR-TB

    Interim Treatment Outcomes of DR-TB Cases

    Adverse Drug Reactions

    Adverse Drug Reactions(ADRs) to First Line Treatment

    Adverse Drug Events: H Mono/Poly DR-TB Regimen

    TB Treatment Outcome

    Closing Cases and Assigning Treatment Outcomes

  • Lesson 10- Treatment Support

    Treatment Support Mechanism

    Treatment Support Plan

    Treatment supporter to TB Patient

    Family Caregiver as a TB Treatment Supporter

    Roles & responsibilities of Family Care Givers in TB care

    Registering on Nikshay as Treatment Supporter /Informant

    Assigning a TS

    Patient-Provider Meetings

    Treatment Support Groups

    Teleconsultation for treatment support

  • Lesson 11- Adherence Management

    TB Treatment Adherence

    Importance of Treatment adherence

    Recording and Monitoring Adherence

    Digital Adherence Monitoring Technologies

    Directly Observed Treatment

    Recording Adherence in Treatment card

    Recording manual doses in Ni-kshay

    Recording missed doses in Ni-kshay

    Recording Adherence using TB Arogya Sathi Application

    Monitoring of Adherence by NTEP Staff

    Management of Patients with Treatment Interruptions

    Adherence Register

  • Lesson 12- TB and comorbid conditions

    TB Co-morbidities & Special Situations

    HIV testing of individuals with presumed or confirmed TB

    Co-trimoxazole prophylactic therapy in persons with HIV and TB coinfection

    Isoniazid Preventive Therapy [IPT] in People Living with HIV [PLHIV]

    Diabetes among people with TB

    National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases and Stroke [NPCDCS]

    Alcoholism among people with TB

    Tobacco use among people with TB

    Silicosis in TB Patients

    Cancer in TB patients

    TB in Pregnant and Lactating Women

  • Lesson 13- Infection Prevention & Control

    The Need for Infection Prevention and Control [IPC]

    Standard Precautions for IPC

    Hand Hygiene

    Respiratory Hygiene

    Airborne Infection Control [AIC]

    Administrative measures for AIC at a Health Facility

    Ventilation as an AIC Measure

    IPC Practices Required at a Microscopy Centre

    Personal Protective Equipment [PPE] Use in TB Lab Settings

    Color Coding and Type of Container in Biomedical Waste Management

    Disposing Off Contaminated Material Safely in Microscopy Centre Laboratory Setting

    Roles of various stakeholders in IPC

  • Lesson 14- TB Preventive Therapy

    Eligibility for TPT

    Approaches for TPT implementation

    Cascade of Care for TPT

    Testing for TB Infection

    Counselling for IGRA/TST

    TB Preventive Therapy

    Regimen for TPT

    Contraindications of TPT

    ADRs due to TPT

    Screening among Household Contacts of DR-TB Patients

    Preventive Treatment for Contacts of DR-TB Patients

    Counselling for TPT

    Monitoring adherence to TPT

    Strategies to promote adherence

    Role of different stakeholders to promote adherence for TPT

    Management of missed doses in TPT

    Follow-up Monitoring for individuals taking TPT

    Treatment outcomes after TPT

    Monitoring indicators for TPT

  • Lesson 15- Public Health Actions

    Public Health Actions

    TB Awareness Generation in Community

    Contact Tracing and Investigation

    How to do contact tracing

    Recording Contact Tracing in Ni-kshay

    Universal Drug-susceptibility Testing (UDST) for TB

    Counselling of TB Patients at Various Stages of Treatment

    Nutritional Counselling

    Do's & Don'ts for Patient Communication

    National TB Call Centre (Ni-kshay Sampark)

    TB Champion

    Activities that can be undertaken by TB Champions

  • Lesson 16- Patient Support

    Patient and Treatment Support

    Nutritional Support/ PMTBMBA

    Psychosocial Support to People affected by TB

    Support for deaddiction

    Free drugs and free treatment

    Travel support for people with TB

    Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) under NTEP

    DBT Schemes in NTEP

    Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana

    Stakeholders in DBT processes under NTEP

    Other Local DBT Schemes

  • Lesson 17- Social Inclusion and wellness activities

    Stigma and Discrimination towards TB Patient

    Effects of Stigma on TB Patients

    Gender Aspects of TB

    Addressing Gender Inequalities

    Wellness Activity for TB Patients

  • Lesson 18 - Programme Monitoring

    Registers and Reports in Ni-kshay

    Enrollment Register

    TB Notification Register

    Tuberculosis Laboratory Register

    Contact Tracing Register

    Contact Tracing Report

    TB Mukt Panchayat Initiative

    Methodology for TB Mukt Panchayat

    Certification Process for TB Mukt Panchayat

  • Post Assessment


  • Certificate


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For technical (platform) related queries, contact:

Nodal Officer, SAKSHAM
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Yadav
Contact - +91-11-26165959 & +91-11-26107773 Ext.- 225

Assistant Nodal Officer, SAKSHAM
Dr. Raj Narayan
Contact - +91-11-26165959 & +91-11-26107773 Ext.- 327
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Department of Statistics & Demography (S&D) NIHFW, New Delhi - 110067
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For NMCN related queries, contact:

Dr. Avdesh Chandra
Project Consultant, National Resource Centre, National Medical College Network, AIIMS, New Delhi - 110608
Contact - +91-9910675076, +91-9818664747
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