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National AIDS Control Organisation, Delhi National AIDS Control Organisation, Delhi

ART Pharmacist Induction Course

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ART Pharmacist Induction Course

About the Course

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  • ART Pharmacist - Pre Test

    ART Pharmacist - Pre Test

  • Session 1- Overview of HIV infection

    Session 1.1 - Overview of HIV infection

    1.1 - Overview of HIV infection - Assessment

    1.2 Diagnosis of HIV

    1.2 - Diagnosis of HIV - Assessment

  • Session 2 - Epidemiology of HIV and Overview of NACP

    2.1 - Epidemiology of HIV and Overview of NACP

    2.2 - HIV/AIDS (Prevention and Control) Act

    2.2 - HIV/AIDS (Prevention and Control) Act - Video

  • Session 3 - Roles and responsibilities of ART Pharmacist

    3.1 - Roles and responsibilities of ART Pharmacist in NACP

    3.1 - Roles and responsibilities of ART Pharmacist in NACP - Assessment

    3.2 - Protocols for Good pharmacy practices

    3.2 - Protocols for Good pharmacy practices - Assessment

  • Session 4 - Pharmacology of Anti-retroviral drugs (ARV drugs) and ART regimens

    4.1 - Pharmacology of ARV drugs

    4.1 - Pharmacology of ARV drugs - Video

    4.1 - Pharmacology of ARV drugs - Assessment

    4.2 - First line ART regimens in Adults and Adolescents

    4.2 - First line ART regimens in Adults and Adolescents - Assessment

    4.3 - Follow up after ART initiation including treatment failure

    4.3 - Follow up after ART initiation including treatment failure - Assessment

    4.4 - Pediatric ART regimens

    4.4 - Paediatric ART regimens - Assessment

    4.5 - Post Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV (PEP)

    4.5 Post Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV (PEP) - Assessment

  • Session 5 - Pharmacology of Anti-retroviral drugs (ARV drugs) and ART regimens

    5.1 - HIV-TB coinfection

    5.1 - HIV-TB coinfection - Assessment

    5.2 - TB Preventive Therapy

    5.2 - TB Preventive Therapy - Assessment

    5.3 - Drugs for Opportunistic Infections excluding TB

    5.3 - Drugs for Opportunistic Infections (excluding TB)

  • Session 6 - Treatment Adherence

    6.1 - Treatment adherence

    6.1 - Treatment adherence - Video

    6.1 - Treatment adherence - Assessment

    6.2 Step-up Adherence counselling and calculation of ART adherence

    6.2 - Step-up Adherence counselling and calculation of ART adherence - Assessment

  • Session 7 - Overview of supply chain cycle and RACI matrix for ARV drugs

    7.1 - Overview of supply chain cycle and RACI matrix for ARV drugs

    7.1 - Overview of supply chain cycle and RACI matrix for ARV drugs - Assessment

    7.2 - Quantification Procurement and inventory management

    7.2 - Quantification, Procurement and Inventory management - Assessment

    7.3 - Drug Stock Assessment and Indent Calculation

    7.3 - Drug Stock Assessment and Indent Calculation - Assessment

    7.4 - Warehouse storage and quality assurance

    7.4 - Warehouse, storage and quality assurance - Assessment

    7.5 - Distribution of drugs to ART centres and LAC

    7.5 - Distribution of drugs to ART centres and LAC - Assessment

  • Session 8 - Linkages with other departments

    8.1 - SACEP mechanism and role of ART Pharmacist

    8.1 - SACEP mechanism and role of ART Pharmacist - Assessment

    8.2 Coordination with National TB Elimination Program

    8.2 - Coordination with National TB Elimination Program - Assessment

  • Session 9 - Information Management Systems – Manual and Digital

    9.1 - Manual Inventory management system - Records and Registers

    9.1 - Manual Inventory management system - Records and Registers - Assessment

    9.2 - Digital Integrated Information Management system - IIMS

    9.2 - Digital Integrated Information Management system - IIMS - Assessment

  • ART Pharmacist - Post Test

    ART Pharmacist - Post Test

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