About the Course
Purpose: The most critical component of health systems is the health professionals. They are designated as Human Resources for Health (HRH). Managing these HRH effectively is a prime requirement in building the reputation of your organisation. Every doctor managing the peripheral health facilities must be familiar with the HRH issues, dealt in this unit.
Time: Three hours
Authors: Prof. Shiv Chandra Mathur, Public Health Specialist, EU-ITS, NIHFW, New Delhi; Chair, Asia-Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health; and Dr. Utsuk Datta, Professor, NIHFW, New Delhi
Prerequisite: It may be noted that this unit deals with conceptual issues of human resource management. The PDC in e-learning mode has a separate specific course on Organisation Behaviour (C5_U1; C5_U2; C5_U3; C5_U4); a unit on office procedures (C1_U6) in this course and a unit on IPC (C3_U2) in the course on Health Communication. You are advised to do all these units before starting this unit.
Earn a career certificate

No Instructor(s)
Learning Objective
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
- Describe the concept of HRH and its application in the health systems
- Apply the concept of training and development in your work places
- Conduct the logical performance appraisal of your team members
Human Resource Management
Post- Assessment
Health Manpower
Human Resources for Health
Human Resource Development
HRD Process
Job Analysis
Manpower Planning
Feedback- Human Resource Management
PDC_4 Certificate
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